June 23, 2023

I’m over 55, do I choose Equity Release or a Retirement Interest Only Mortgage?

Retirement can be a time of great excitement, but also of uncertainty.

Retirement can be a time of great excitement, but also of uncertainty. One of the biggest financial challenges facing many people over the age of 55 is how to access the equity they have built up in their homes to fund their retirement.

There are two main options available to homeowners in the UK: Retirement Interest Only Mortgages (RIOs) and Equity Release Lifetime Mortgages (ERLMs). Both of these products can be used to release equity from your home, but they work in very different ways. In this article, we’ll explore the comparable benefits of these two options and help you decide which one might be right for you.

What is a Retirement Interest Only Mortgage (RIO)?

A RIO is a type of mortgage that allows you to borrow money against the value of your home, without having to make monthly repayments. Instead, you pay the interest on the loan each month, which means that your debt will not increase over time. When the last borrower dies or entry into long term care, the loan will be repaid from the proceeds of the sale.

What is an Equity Release Lifetime Mortgage (ERLM)?

An ERLM is a type of loan that allows you to release equity from your home without having to sell it. Instead, the lender will give you a lump sum or regular payments, and the loan will be repaid by selling the property when the last borrower dies or when they move into long- term care. The amount you can borrow will depend on your age, the value of your home, and other factors.

Comparable benefits of RIOs and ERLMs

No repayments required

One of the main benefits of both RIOs and ERLMs is that you do not have to make monthly repayments. This can be a huge relief for many retirees who may be on a fixed income and do not want to be burdened with additional expenses.


Both RIOs and ERLMs offer flexibility in terms of how you can use the money you borrow. You can use the funds to pay for home improvements, healthcare, travel, or anything else that you need or want.


The money you receive from both RIOs and ERLMs is tax-free, which means that you can use it to supplement your retirement income without having to pay additional taxes.

Inheritance protection

With both RIOs and ERLMs, you can protect a portion of your home’s value as an inheritance for your loved ones. This means that you can release equity from your home without having to worry about leaving your family with nothing.

Which option is right for you?

The choice between a RIO and an ERLM will depend on your individual circumstances. If you want to maintain ownership of your home and prefer to pay off the interest each month, a RIO may be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you want to release a larger lump sum of money and do not mind that the interest will compound over time, an ERLM may be more suitable.

It is important to consider all your options and speak to a qualified financial adviser before making a decision. They can help you determine which option is most suitable for your individual needs and circumstances.

Retirement can be a challenging time, but it is also an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Whether you choose a RIO or an ERLM, both options can provide you with the financial flexibility you need to enjoy your retirement years to the fullest. By understanding the comparable benefits of each option, you can make an informed decision that is right for you and your family.

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Email – enquiries@trustedhomefinance.co.uk

Risk warning: Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. You may be charged a fee for mortgage advice. This is a lifetime mortgage. To understand the features and risks, ask for a personalised illustration. Check that this mortgage will meet your needs if you want to move or sell your home or you want your family to inherit it. If you are in any doubt, seek independent advice.

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