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The Rise of the Silver Splitters

Jan 04, 2023

While many of us may have become incensed by or frustrated with our spouses during the last two years’ increased time at home, many have also felt the need to file for divorce. In fact, the latest ONS data has revealed that in the over 65s, there has been a 46%* Year on Year increase in the number of those obtaining a divorce.

Energy Bills - What to do if you're struggling

Jan 04, 2023

Despite the government’s announcement that energy bills will be capped at £2,500 annually this is almost double last year’s £1,277** average. Many of us could still be struggling with that upsurge in costs so what can you do if they’re just unmanageable? Check out our top ten tips on what to do if you’re struggling to afford your energy bills.

Avoid the Insurance Claims and prep your home for winter

Jan 04, 2023

Storms, frozen pipes and turning our radiators back on for the colder months can all cause expensive damage if they’re not prepared in anticipation for the winter.


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